Monday, September 5, 2011

Tery's Tweets Part 7

>This really is an elemental week. Niads aren,t the driest creatures about, but who decided to host a marathon of camille and titanic?

>I hate witches. Warty ones, hippy pagan ones, and underage ones in frilly dresses wanting to purge my demons. Seriously. Anime kills magic

>The weather's good. Going to spend my day imagining I'm not living in a world poisoned by sorcerous cults from the 1800s. Pet a selkie.

>I had a goblin child cry for his mommy because the big bad Tery was going to eat him for being bad. My heart broke and we got ice cream.

>Today I saw a fox with a leaf on his head. I gave him some tips on the modern era and gave him a copy of The Reader to wear instead.

>When attending a shapeshifter birth, it's imperative you don't make any noise that could 'name' the child. Poor 'Disgusting Bloodbag'...

>The cicadas offer a warning.

>Even shapeshifters get the blues. Far worse, though, are the ochres. I think something could use a cookie and a hug.

>Okay, yes the rumors are true. I'm dating a shapeshifter. S(h)e's an artist. Let me tell you, shapeshifter sculpture is quite transgressive.

>Nothing makes summer better than free ice cream. And pixies. God i love pixies. I don't have to believe in them. Because they're awesome.

>Have to see a man about a dream. They should really post an exchange rate.

>Ever tried to explain your job to your mom? It's like that only with death cults and a reliquary that was so cute, she just had to have it.

>Red, purple, yellow,orange, green, brown, blue, pink...there is a ninth line. It turns and turns, a spiral path going back to the beginning.

>It's not the heat; it's the things trying to kill you in your sleep.

>The posts are going to be fragmented over the next few days. I've had to lock my soul away for safekeeping.

>The magic words have been uttered and the documents filed. I am now a real boy. And eligible for retirement and dismemberment.

>Never offer to judge a beauty contest between mannequins.

>Hot, sticky, and the awareness that tendrils of malevolent razors spiral around the perimeters of your soul. How was your weekeend?


  1. Just noticed that the various train lines form a mandala downtown, drawing energy and people around and around a central area.

    I probably don't want to know why, do I?

  2. It's a neutralizing magic, Adam. Some trains go clockwise, some go counterclockwise. Thus the positive and the negative energies are balanced out.

    In other words, the train karmas are attempting to create Nirvana downtown.

  3. That's one theory.

    Another would be the mandala is keeping the despair from Wrigley Field devouring everything in a fifty mile radius.

    The red line picks up the energy and discharges it through the loop and about through the area*.

    Yes, I HAVE given this too much thought.

  4. The fact that you're thinking about this is quite a compliment. :)
