Monday, August 29, 2011

Tery's Tweets Part 2

>The worst part of working for a secret occult society: Taxes. Best part? T-shirts.

>Say what you will about foxes. They do make the best noodles.

>At this point, I'm going to make a list of places that -DON'T- have secret cults devoted to monstrosities. Oddly, the Shriners count.

>Bridget's gassy. Some dragons shouldn't be eating what comes out of the river. Back to the emergency room.

>The basement's flooded. Guess how many things down there will come to life. Winner gets eaten.

>The Grail, or a raise? Gotta go with my 4 percent.

>It's all in good fun until someone loses their soul.

>Everyone else gets to talk like Shakespeare today. Me? I get chewed out by Oberon. And yes, he -does- talk like that. All the TIME.

>The trains are shackled to their rails. However, they know all our names.

>Found the mask. I know I'll never find the body.

>Found a grimoire today. It's not good when a curse mentions your ex by name.

>Have been abducted by fairies from Milwaukee. Do not send help. Repeat do -not- send help. I will return with cookies.

>Home again. The cat brings omens.

>Blame it on the rain...Because that's where the evidence leads.

>Thought I was on a diplomatic mission to Alfheim. Turned out I had just passed out in the bathroom stall.

>"The only way I do a resurrection is if I get a call". I really need to not eavesdrop in other cubicles.

>I don't care if she's stealing my essence. She paid for a great lunch.

>I can't tell if a stray cat has walked in the office, or the new temp's arrived. I put out a saucer of energy drink to be on the safe side

>Say what you will about the job. The trade magazines are excellent.

>Invisible things still smell.


  1. There's something in human psychology that demands worship of extra-normal entities in the usually vain hope that, if they have to eat -someone-, it might as well be an enemy.

  2. A surprising amount of the universe revolves around eating.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nope. Not suprising.

    dammit, why is my kanji cropping in the MIDDLE like that?!
