Thursday, August 25, 2011

Question of the week

So are pixies an entree, a side, or a seasoning?

Please provide an example of your answer.


  1. I think the real question is, why are you trying to eat me?

    Dessert by the way. I'm that sweet.

  2. Well then I'd just have to grind you up and sprinkle you on a cake! Good Answer.

  3. We are none of the above. In fact, we're used for cleaning between teeth...of haven't you heard of Fairy Floss?

  4. Considering the condition of your teeth, I'm not surprised.

  5. Pixies are a little sweet for my taste, but if you coat them in a lemon glaze they make a decent alternative to Sour Patch Kids.

    Granted, the dark barbarism of killing them for a snack decays your soul as quickly as the sugary ichor decays your teeth.

    It also pisses Titania right the fuck off.

  6. You say that, but I think the cat has subsisted on a steady diet of pixies...I have to clean the box.
