Sunday, July 28, 2019


She sat in the back of the church, listening to the sermon. The preacher spoke of gays infiltrating bathrooms, of Muslims infiltrating the government. Somehow he never spoke about the children he raped. The fear and shame he enforced filled his congregation.  Each would transfer that suffering  to the weak and helpless. She scratched her arm, waiting for the worship to start. The music began. It was weak, inoffensive. But it triggered what She needed from their souls. Yearnings, pleas, grief and gratitude. Spilling from their hearts into Her Essence.
She stumbled out. A fix was a fix after all.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


“Why is it anime for me?
I’ve spent 45 years watching this stuff, locked on to it before I even knew it was from somewhere else, for another audience. Maruki Trading company, Sandy Frank and Carl Macek had me primed for the years of untranslated Betas, the VHS subscription services, and the streaming video of today.
It’s not the color, or the style, or even the storytelling. It’s the emotion. This was always a place where a character’s emotions were present on the screen and the expressing of emotions was the point. Our hearts are as vital as our minds.”

Friday, July 26, 2019


Bruce Wayne sat glumly, looking over the details of the plan.
“Our R&D department is providing free municipal wifi across Gotham. Our chemical divisions are providing storage and recycling services for facilities such as ACE, The Wayne foundation is focusing on mental health, as well as addressing housing and food issues across the city. We’ve teamed up with STAR labs for renewable energy sources. In short, we’re making Gotham the place you always wanted it to be, with Wayne Industries as the engine of change.”
“I know, but…”

“Would it help if we added a bat to the letterhead, sir?”

Thursday, July 25, 2019




Wednesday, July 24, 2019


“They’re just taking up space. And we’re running out of room.”

The meeting table was covered in paperwork. Ledgers and diagrams, projections and panels.

“We’re seeing if we can get the overflow to other countries, but no one’s taking us up on it. Even the ones we expected.”

“Even with removing beds and facilities, the space limitations are showing.”

“It’s not like they’re legal entities. Our country doesn’t recognize them.”

“We can’t release them; if they go back, they’ll find another way in.”

“There’s a solution, and it’s got historical precedent.”

The folder for a new facility simply said ‘de-lousing’.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Captain Trall sat in the sandbox, each eyestalk focused on a child.

“You -all- have guns?”

The children nodded eagerly. “We’re gonna battle soon. It’ll be great!”

The stalks recoiled anxiously. “What do your guns fire?”

“Mine squirts water!”

“Mine shoots bubbles!”

“Mine has lights and goes pew pew!”

“And if you’re shot, what happens?”

“We drop down, and we’re dead for a couple of seconds, then we get up and play some more. What does your gun shoot?”

He looked down at his flechette pistol and thought carefully.


“Can you say pew pew?”

“I think so.”

“Let’s play!”

Monday, July 22, 2019


The numbers matched. The tablet, the chalkboard.  She drew a series of rings.

“Each universe near our own is mildly different. The further you go, the more extreme the difference. Pulling an artifact from one universe to ours requires an intense amount of startup energy ;but the return on investment is exponential the further out you draw an artifact.”

The assistant frowned. “So wishes are possible…”

“You’re just pulling the desired result from a universe where it’s already  happened.”

“And that thing inside feeds off the power between the universes…”

The sealed bronze lamp sat on the table patiently. 

Sunday, July 21, 2019


“I don’t need the meetings. I’m a social drinker.”
“Even a little is too much, do you see that?”
“But if they’re consenting-“
“They consent because they think you need it to live. We know that’s not true. –You- know that’s not true.”
“I do need it. I’m not –me- without it.”
“We’ve all said that. There’s no excuse you have that hasn’t been said a hundred times.”
“Then what’s the point?”
“The point is, you’re not alone. And together we don’t have to steal life to feel alive.”
“ I just have to take this step…”
“First of twelve.”

Saturday, July 20, 2019


I miss breathing.

I thought it would be my hands, or how I see the world, but it’s cool. There’s haptic responses on the gathering tools, so I can feel the dirt, and the sensor array gives me colors I didn’t have in life.

From the speed of light, and the relay bounce, it will be about ten years before you get this, along with the data from the soil and atmosphere. I’m not used to the color of the sky, or the position of the stars, but it’s okay. I’m glad I’m here.

It’s just odd what you miss.

Friday, July 19, 2019


As with many things in the city, it came down to architecture.

The prison was located on a hill, the center of the facility. Each was placed in a vault of marble, Sealed in bronze. Surrounding the prison in ring after ring were the wardens.
In life, they were the worst of the worst. Giancana, Nitti, O’Banion, and the Capones. With them there were the Genna brothers, Hymie Weiss, and their cruel associates. Enemies and rivals, now unified in death, forming concentric rings of power.  

And thus the souls of the Bishops of Chicago can no longer harm the city.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


“It’s a simple concept. Four characters. The characters are each recognizable types, and their situations are ordinary; magnified by their personalities.”

“What kind of stories?”

“Well, anything! Rock Bands, Conspiracy Theorists, War Survivors. It can be comedy, drama, mystery. But no matter how outlandish, keep it in the world, the everyday. If it’s aliens, have the aliens sign up for drama club. If it’s war survivors, have them write letters to family. The goal is always to make the audience see themselves and their world. To see the -value- in themselves, and the world they live in. Four by Four.”

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Every marine had been issued a container of Pervitin before the assault on the facility. He had been subsisting on them, scavenging the precious amphetamines from the soldiers’ rotting bodies. He wandered the labyrinth, seeing the four spectral forms of his cherished friends at every corner. They blamed him; Their wide accusing eyes chasing him through the halls, threatening to burst his heart with terror. Sometimes he would come up on the body of a medic, and swallow the container of the medic’s pack in one go, chasing the ghosts away in addled fury. “Paku…Paku…” he muttered into the void.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


“I came out already.”

“The first time I came out, I was raped. I assumed that it was the wrong decision. I tried to be ‘normal’ for 15 years after that. It was awful. I hurt myself and others. But I got better. I found love, and I came out again.”  

 “I’ve gone through so much. I’ve changed. I’ve grown. I’ve collapsed and rebuilt my life multiple times. I’ve flown the flags. I’ve cared for my kids. At some point, there has to be an end to this.”

The woman in the mirror looked at me compassionately and said. “No.”

Monday, July 15, 2019


The succubus sat by the young man’s bed, looking confused.
“So there’s no…”
“Not really.”
“I could turn into another form! Male, female…Other…species?”
The young man shook his head. “Only if you really want to.”
“I’m good.”
The silence stretched. She stared at the purple and grey flag on his wall. He considered.
“You need passion to live, right? So what do I get?”
“Well, all your desires fulfilled, at the cost of your immortal soul.”
“Does it -have- to be sexual?”
Before his death the next day, the two had binged all three seasons of Firefly and its spinoffs.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


Eamon, king of Autumn, walked idly through Rosehill cemetery, his shape barely visible in the light.

“I like the rabbits,” he said, passing by civil war memorials, their soldiers’ names long vanished.  “And the squirrels.  All the trees are filled with chattering birds. Back in the day, deer would wander through the dawn, climbing over the mortuary cellars.” He passed by statues, obelisks, all the great grieving stones, ignoring them.  I thought he’d take me to the necropolis, but he turned, going deeper into the remaining untouched forest. “Now we have joggers and the occasional picnicker. “Look!” he smiled, “Geese!” 

Saturday, July 13, 2019


I heard the clack of the Devil’s white shoes over the sounds of my heart monitor.

“Have you come for my soul at last?” I wheezed through the mask.

The Devil walked to my side. “I took your soul years and years ago when we made the contract. It’s long gone, fed to creditors in dimensions where hunger is the only rule. You’ve lived without one nearly all your life. There is no eternity for you.”

“If it’s already gone, then why –“ I coughed my last in agony as The Devil grinned.

“I’m just here to watch you die.”

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


The wall of flags seemed to be without end. Countless bright colors stood out, bordered by flags that were variations of the core. Some were adorned with symbols, each representing a fraction of a broader experience. A man sucked his teeth disgustedly at the display.

“This waters down the whole experience. Is this what our elders fought for at Stonewall, so that any tumblr teen who thought being a catgirl was their true identity could be part of the family?”

He resumed typing on his phone, confirming the text on his profile.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019


I remember a cough.

I had been holding on to the intake from a vaporizer, filling my lungs, and there was a cough.

Silence. No time, no thought, no presence.

The first sensation that returned was touch. I desperately reached for any handhold. I felt the texture of a sofa on my grip. I assumed I was returning to reality.

But there was a beautiful woman in front of me. A sunlit goddess was rubbing my chest, forcing me to wonder if I was back in the world.

“Weed isn’t supposed to kill you, dummy,” she giggled. “Let’s try edibles.”

Monday, July 1, 2019

To: Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos @

Re: Ravelry ban.

After much deliberation and careful consideration, we regret that you are banned from Ravelry indefinitely, due to the following posts:




We read your response on 7.1, and from experience, do not feel your argument of ‘truth telling’ makes for a positive environment in the fabric arts.

Sincerely yours,
